Bullet time rig at Durham Photography Club

Durham Photographic Society Fun Night

We were asked by Durham Photographic Society if we could pop in and show our rig to the members as guest speakers. So we popped along with a 24 camera rig, 3 computer systems, and had the rig fired up in less than 1hr. We then spent a further hour aligning and calibrating the cameras…

Eadward James Muybridge, ‘Spanking A Child’ Animal_locomotion. Plate_527

130 years of Bullet Time!

130 years ago this year, the mad crazy Eadweard James Muybridge (who shot and murdered a guy and got away with it), took what is known as the first true synchronous bullet time shot, ‘Spanking A Child’. You can see if you look carefully, that the plates all have slightly different blacks and contract, showing…